
Intersection of Brain and Religion
Understanding Religiously Elevated Emotions via fMRI and General Theoretical Models of Mind and Emotions

場所:信濃町キャンパス 予防医学校舎 セミナールーム7

Henk Barendregt
(Chair Foundations of Mathematics and Computer Science & mind-brain- mindfulness research, Radboud University)
Neurocognitive models of the mind inspired by Buddhist psychology and vipassana

Gerald C. Cupchik
(Department of Psychology, University of Toronto at Scarborough)
Does G-d have an Address in the Brain? A New Light on Religiously Elevated Emotions in General Theory of Emotion

司会:岡田光弘(慶應義塾大学文学部・教授 )
指定討論:渡辺茂、宮坂敬造(慶應義塾大学文学部・教授 )

The studies of mind and consciousness have been developed into a new horizon with the introduction of fMRI research; with this recent trend in scope, two distinguished researchers of different specialties deal with new approaches to the study of religious consciousness and elevated emotions. Professor Henk Barendregt of Radboud University focuses on neurocognitive models of the mind with reference to Buddhism to use meditation as a tool to get hints where neurophysiology can look to find interesting things for the advancement of this topic - he received the Spinoza award in 2002 for his highly regarded scientific achievement as a mathematical logician, specialized in lambda calculus, which is a theory to describes 'reflection' ; he himself is a qualified teacher in the tradition of Mahasi Sayadaw for meditational practices. . Prof. Gerald Cupchik of the University of Toronto discusses elevated emotions in religious contexts and aesthetic of emotions from his long-pursued unique scholarship on a general theory of emotion with combined methodologies including fMRI oriented research. His original perspective reaches the latent emotional root behind emotions in religion and art. He received Rudolf Arnheim Award from Division 10 of the American Psychological Association for "distinguished contribution to research in psychological aesthetics." Religious consciousness, altered states of consciousness including hypnotic state of mind and meditational consciousness will be partly discussed. Commentaries from researchers engaged in advanced research on logic and sensibility from different disciplines at CARLS, Keio try to articulate new research possibilities in the intersection of brain and religion, that concerns brain sciences, religious studies, evolutionary psychology, logics and anthropology.




講演者:Gerald Cupchik教授(University of Toronto)
司会:川畑秀明(慶應義塾大学文学部・准教授 )


Professor Cupchik has conducted research in aesthetics for over 40 years, incorporating quantitative and qualitative methods in a complementary manner. He will argue that experimental aesthetics should be understood in a historical context encompassing scholarship in art history, anthropology, philosophy, and psychology. Following Goethe, he will stress the priority of aesthetic phenomena, visual or literary, over theory and method as a basis for unifying the various approaches to scholarship. Prof. Cupchik will then survey the many different techniques (e.g., verbal scale rating, narrative commentary, MRI) that he has applied to study the reception of a broad range of aesthetic materials including; paintings, short stories, photographs, industrial design objects, and so forth. It is important to reflect on the promise and limitations of each technique. The overall goal of the lecture will be to describe a unifying process underlying these different areas of aesthetic reception and to show how our understanding of aesthetics can contribute to the development of a General Theory of Emotion.

Gerald Cupchik教授のご紹介や詳細は、下記ポスターよりご確認頂けます
第2回実験美学セミナー 経験・実験美学研究の現在~感情の美学に向けて~(2011年2月24日(木)開催)について

当拠点事業推進担当者の斎藤慶典先生が『「脳と道徳」Moral and Brain』 (主催:理化学研究所脳科学総合研究センター)にてご講演なさいます。

脳科学と人文・社会科学との連携シンポジウム「脳と道徳」Moral and Brainについて

場所:慶應義塾大学三田キャンパス 南館ディスカッションルーム(5階)
講師:四本裕子君(慶應義塾大学人文グローバルCOE 特別研究准教授)
オーガナイザー:川畑秀明先生(慶應義塾大学文学部 准教授)





Aesthetic Lecture on Shadow by Dr. Roberto Casati

場所:三田キャンパス東館6階G-SEC Lab

講演者:Roberto Casati氏
 (National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) )

司会:遠山公一(慶應義塾大学文学部美学美術史学専攻・教授 )
演題:The art of shadow painting


Shadow painting evolved twice in history of art, each time with different results. It is one of the most difficult challenges for visual artists, as it requires an ability to balance a large number of constraints (light, shape, position). Errors - even impressive ones - are widespread and can easily spoil the general impression conveyed by a painting. Some of these errors, however, are systematic in a way that allows vision scientists to reconstruct some of the mechanisms of shadow perception. In particular, I shall focus on two types of conditions: mistaken shadows that are considered as acceptable, and correct shadows that are considered as unacceptable. These suggest that the brain is using a proprietary logic when dealing with shadows - a logic whose profile is still much open to empirical investigation. I shall present evidence from a large body of Renaissance representations, indicating discoveries that psychologists can make by studying large corpora such as this one.

Aesthetic Lecture on Shadow by Dr. Roberto Casati(2011年1月25日(火)開催)について


場所:慶應義塾大学三田キャンパス 東館6階G-SECLab



場所:慶應義塾大学三田キャンパス 東館6階G-SECLab


当拠点事業推進担当者の斎藤慶典先生が『「脳と道徳」Moral and Brain』 (主催:理化学研究所脳科学総合研究センター)にてご講演なさいます。

脳科学と人文・社会科学との連携シンポジウム「脳と道徳」Moral and Brainについて

Aesthetic Lecture on Shadow by Dr. Roberto Casati

場所:三田キャンパス東館6階G-SEC Lab

講演者:Roberto Casati氏
 (National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) )

司会:遠山公一(慶應義塾大学文学部美学美術史学専攻・教授 )
演題:The art of shadow painting


Shadow painting evolved twice in history of art, each time with different results. It is one of the most difficult challenges for visual artists, as it requires an ability to balance a large number of constraints (light, shape, position). Errors - even impressive ones - are widespread and can easily spoil the general impression conveyed by a painting. Some of these errors, however, are systematic in a way that allows vision scientists to reconstruct some of the mechanisms of shadow perception. In particular, I shall focus on two types of conditions: mistaken shadows that are considered as acceptable, and correct shadows that are considered as unacceptable. These suggest that the brain is using a proprietary logic when dealing with shadows - a logic whose profile is still much open to empirical investigation. I shall present evidence from a large body of Renaissance representations, indicating discoveries that psychologists can make by studying large corpora such as this one.

Aesthetic Lecture on Shadow by Dr. Roberto Casati(2011年1月25日(火)開催)について

第4回 京都大学-慶應義塾大学グローバルCOE 共催シンポジウム

場所:京都大学時計台記念館2階 国際交流ホールⅠ&Ⅱ

13:00~17:00 ポスターセッション(責任在席時間15:00~15:30)


13:15~15:00 セッションⅠ

15:00~15:30 休憩(ポスターセッション)

15:30~17:00 セッションⅡ



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