
Forming a center for international and interdisciplinary research
on logic and sensitivity/sensibility - The Global Research Center, Keio University

[English translation of our Research Center Name]
Since "ronri to kansei" in our Center name n Japanese could be translated to "logic and sensitivity" as well as "logic and sensibility", one could use both "Global Research Center for Logic and Sensitivity" and "Global Researcg Center for Logic and Sensibility" as an English translation of the Center.

Various issues on logic and sensibility in human judgment is an oldest issues in philosophy and the related fields. Conflicts between logic and sensibility have often been themes in art and literature. The purpose of this Center was founded for the research on logic and sensibility. We especially emphasize;
1) to promote interdisciplinary research collaborations in this topic, and
2) to promote international research collaborations in this topic.

This research center was founded by the initiatives of the research groups from the Graduate School of Letters and the Graduate School of Social sciences, Keio University, with participants from six faculties (from five different campuses) of Keio University. This research center was founded as the successor from the 21st GOE and the Global COE (GCOE), based on the above-mentioned two Graduate Schools.

As for 1), our Center includes research groups from humanity sciences such as philosophy, logic, ethics, aesthetics and art history, literature, folkloristics and archaeology, and research groups from social sciences and psychological sciences such as psychology, development science, behavioral genetics, pedagogy, neuro-science, cultural anthropology, human science, economics, as well as informatics, computer science and AI, for jointly working on research of logic and sensitivity.

As for 2), we have continued many international collaborations set up at the framework of 21th COE anfd GCOE. We, since a few years ago, have also started new international collaborative activities. The examples include active participation of our research groups in the University of Vienna-Keio University research collaboration with French research institutes, (our group's initiative role for the establishment of CNRS-Keio University UoM, CNRS's recognition of our collaboration as an PICS-project,  and INRIA's recognition of our collaboration as an-Associate Team project, etc.


The Global Research Center for Logic and Sensitivity, Keio University, was founded in 2014, by the groups of humanity science, social science, neuro-science , information-computer science and others, after the two year preparation as the Start-up Center (2012-2013). The Center has been continuously developed from its predecessors, 21COE on Integrated Studies of Mind (2002-2006) and the Global COE on Logic and Sensitivity. The academic year 2019 is the 18th year of our research activities. This is a unique interdisciplinary research center on the theme of logic and sensitivity to understand human mind and human behavior.

Further information is available in Japanese, which was reported at the Annual Meeting of the Center on held on Feb. 29th, 2020.


  • About the Center

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