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Yuri Terasawa


Researcher (Part-time), Keio Advanced Research Centers (Global COE CARLS), Keio University
Part-time Lecturer, Faculty of Letters, Keio University

■Research Interests
I'm doing functional neuroimaging and neuropsychological studies on cognitive and neural mechanisms for subjective feeling of emotion. I'm also interested in how emotions affect judgment and decision making.

2000-2005 Keio University, Department of Psychology, B.A. (Psychology)
2005-2007 Keio University, Graduate School: Master Course, Department of Psychology M.A. (Psychology)
2007-2010 Keio University, Graduate School: Doctoral Course, Department of Psychology

■Academic & Clinical Careers
2006-2007 Keio University Research Assistant
2006- Otawara Redcross Hospital, Department of Neurosurgery
2007-2010 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Research Fellow, (DC1)
2010- Keio University, Department of Psychology, Part time Lecturer


Terasawa, Y., Umeda, S., Saito, F., & Kato, M. (in press) Loss of discrimination among negative facial expressions following right insula lesion. Higher Brain Function Research (in Japanese).

Terasawa, Y. & Umeda, S. (in press) Autonomic reactivity of hypothesis-testing in decision-making. Psychologia

Terasawa, Y., Umeda, S., & Kato, M. (2010) Insula and memory disorders. Clinical Neuroscience, 28, 441-443 (in Japanese).

Terasawa, Y., & Umeda, S. (2009) Neurocognitive mechanisms of false memories. Clinical Neuroscience, 38, 1587-1594 (in Japanese).

Book Chapter

Umeda, S., & Terasawa, Y.(2010) The common and specific neural bases for emotional and bodily awareness. CARLS Series of Advanced Study of Logic and Sensibility, 3, pp.21-27.