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Fumihiko Taya
Assistant Professor (Non-tenured), Graduate School of Human Relations, Keio University
■Research Interests
In recent years, a field called "neuroeconomics" has been the focus of attention. An objective of the field is to clarify the neural mechanism responsible for decision making by investigating neural activities during financial choices. It has been considered that neural network including both sensitivity-related limbic system and logical frontal lobe plays a crucial role in decision making process. Currently, I am studying a role of rewards in learning process by observing brain activities using EEG while participants are playing a gamble game where rewards are determined in a probabilistic manner. In particular, I focus on a function of the medial frontal cortex that locates between frontal lobe and limbic system and is related to action regulation and receipts of monetary rewards. From now on, I am planning to study the neural network responsible for decision making through using functional magnetic resonance imaging and applying recent techniques of multivariate analysis.
Doctor of Philosophy, Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka University, Japan, 2005
Master of Science and Engineering, Department of Computer Science, Keio University, Japan, 2000
Bachelor of Science and Engineering, Department of Electrical Engineering, Keio University, Japan, 1998
Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc., Japan, April/2005~June/2009
Journal Articles
F. Taya and K. Mogi, "Spatio-temporal dynamics of the visual system revealed in binocular rivalry", Neuroscience Letters, 381(1-2), pp.63-68, 2005.
F. Taya and K. Mogi, "The variant and invariant in perception", Forma, 19, pp. 25-37, 2004.
Conference Proceedings
F. Taya and K. Mogi, "The role of metacognition in decision-making", IEICE NC2008, Kanazawa, Japan, 2008.
E. Hoshino, F. Taya and K. Mogi. "Memory formation of object representation: natural scenes", Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics - Proceedings of the International Conference on Cognitive Neurodynamics - 2007, (Shanghai, P.R.China, 17-21 November, 2007).
T. Yanagawa, F. Taya and K. Mogi. "The spatial basis of neural presentation", Proceedings of the ICONIP 2002, pp.55-59, 2002 (Singapore, 18-22 November, 2002).
Selected Book Publication
Fumihiko Taya, "Neuroeconomics" and "Thought in Right Brai" in Scientific Dictionary on Emotion and Thought, 2009 (to be published in Japanese).
K. Mogi and F. Taya, "What is the difference between the brain and the computer?", Kodansha, 2003. (in Japanese)
M. Ito, F. Taya and A. Misawa, "UNIX command book, third edition", Softbank Publishing, 2009 (in Japanese, first edition was translated into Chinese and Korean)
F. Taya and A. Misawa, "Linux command book beginners, second edition", Softbank Publishing, 2007 (in Japanse)
M. Ono, F. Taya and Y. Maeda, "FreeBSD command book beginners", Softbank Publishing, 2004 (in Japanese)